This page summarizes where to buy the MVD token.

Where to Buy MVD:

You can currently purchase MVD on Camelot (DEX) and on MEXC global (CEX).

How to buy MVD on Camelot DEX:

Head to Camelot DEX and make sure to connect your digital wallet. Camelot supports wallets like MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet and others. Make sure that you have enough funds in your wallet to purchase MVD tokens.

  • Locate the MVD Token

Once you’ve connected your wallet to the DEX, you’ll need to locate the MVD token. You can search for MVD in the drop down or by typing 'MVD'.

  • Set Up Your Trade

Once you’ve set up your trade, you’ll need to confirm it. Make sure to review the details of the trade before you confirm it, including the amount of MVD tokens you’re buying, the price you’re paying, and any fees associated with the trade. Once you are ready, confirm the trade and wait for it to be executed.

  • Confirm Your Trade

Once the trade has been executed, you should receive your MVD tokens in your wallet. Make sure to check your wallet to ensure that the tokens have been received.

For a more detailed explanation of how to buy on Camelot, read their docs on how to get started.

Last updated