
Metavault is a DAO, so it relies on its community to shape its development and progression.

Metavault is a DAO, so it relies on its community to shape its development and progression. The active DAO participants vote on all matters regarding the direction of the protocol and all investments made by the treasury. That means the community actually decides how the profits and funds will be distributed, as well as other decisions such as listings, and audits. To vote, you must have an active 6,6 staking (Governance Staking+) position. The strength of the vote depends on the amount of gMVD that you have staked. Proposals are known as Metavault Improvement Proposals (MIPs).

Although the development team is in place to guide the protocol in its infancy, the community has the ultimate say in shaping the protocol. This is guaranteed by the multisig mechanism for authorising proposals, which currently serves as an escrow until it is replaced by an on-chain DAO mechanism once the DAO is fully functioning.

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